Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tulip's Last Hurrah......

Don't worry, she's still "with" us, but this was her last kidding (unless our Maker has other plans) and so I guess she wanted to go out with a bang!

She had just started laboring when I got home from work at 5:30 pm.....

While Tulip was busy laboring............

The Youngun and I were busy doing this.....

And some of this......

And she did more of this.....

And some of this....

Having goat babies hurts, just like having human babies.  I like to be there if I can, especially with my Tulip.  I stroke her face, and rub her belly and tell her what a good girl she is....

And that way I'm there if she needs any help, which she did this time.  The kid came out head first, with both legs tucked back, so she needed a little help getting it out.

This was just a few minutes before the big arrival....

And here she is!  A beautiful little doeling, born at 9:30-ish last night...I stayed with Tulip until 11:30 when she "cleaned", to be sure she was finished...

Tulip is such a good momma, talking to and licking her baby immediately....

In the video you can see the baby sucking, trying to find the teat...

And she is such a STRONG baby.  Probably from being a single.  She came out sucking and while laying there wet she was sucking on Tulip's ears, legs, and eye sockets....

Isn't she lovely?

And I'll leave you with a video of the silly little girl LAYING DOWN nursing.  She hadn't even tried to stand yet, and she was chowing down...

God is so good, and I love Him so!  So unworthy of the blessings He gives, but oh so thankful!  

What I wanted/needed was two doelings to go to Jen at Our Little Farm, one doeling for us to keep, and a buckling I can wether to go keep Ollie company, and that's exactly what we got!  

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

Till next time...

God Bless,


  1. Beautiful! Good for Tulip. I'm glad you were there to help both of them. Blessings abound.


    1. Thanks Fern! Yes you are so right, blessings do in fact abound! :)

  2. How sweet! Thank you for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  3. Yay, so happy for you all! That little doeling looks like she is going to be a porker, lol! I couldn't help but to laugh as she was nursing before she even stood up. Yay, Tulip!

    1. Tee hee! With her being a single and the amount of milk her momma has, she'll be a lard butt for sure! She's funny, and already quite adventuresome!

  4. I'm so glad you were there for Tulip and they both are fine. Tulip looks so big in those pictures! My lil doeling is so cute and that is so funny of her laying down drinking off Tulip!

    1. Me too! Yeah, I though for sure she had at least one more in there! She is such a cutie and strong and indenpendent! I couldn't resist putting that video on..........silly baby! LOL

  5. loved your blog and your reliance on God's blessings! I've often said I'm never closer to God than in the barnyard!

    1. Hello Ms Suzy! Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! :)

  6. Loved your article! And love your reliance on God as the provider of your blessings! I've often said that I'm seldom closer to God than I am in the barnyard!

  7. Great job, Tulip! Congrats on getting exactly what you wanted! That is just too cool. :) Was this doeling sired by a Nubian? I can't remember.

    1. Thanks! And yes, both Tulip and Star were bred to a Nubian buck named Silo. Tulip has a strong propensity to throw black kids. She's had a lot of black kids over the years. This doeling looks a great deal like Silo's dam. If you click on the goat tag at the bottom of the post, it will take you back to the post with pictures of Silo and his sire and dam. :0

  8. This is the first time I'm seeing your blog and I so enjoyed reading about tulip and all the pics of her and her babies. I love the path you've taken leaning on God and having the faith believing that God provides for all our needs.

    1. Hi there and welcome! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment! God is so good to us and I just want the world to know His love!

  9. How old is tulip?

    1. Hello and thanks for commenting. Tulip will be 9 years old in June.

  10. What a blessing! I've had a couple with tucked behind feet and am always thankful to be there to help, as I know you were. This little gal is a beauty. A perfect kidding season for you.

    1. Thanks Leigh! Yes, I'm always worried, and so thankful when God allows me to be there! She is a beautiful little doe and I think is the most conformationally correct of the four. Now I'm excited for when they are old enough to kid so I can see their udders!


If you'd like to comment, I love to hear from folks and I will do my absolute very best to comment back or answer any questions!